Sunday, August 2


Taken from here.

Being alone sucks. Admit it. I don't like the moment where you look out your window and gaze what's beyond that great blue sky, or simply the unsightly scenery looming out there.

Wall stained condos, busy graying roads, and mundane clouds. I don't like it very much here.

I want to be in a manor. Alone. In Portugal, those Casas Antigas sipping Vinhos Verdes on the verandah hoping Prince Charming would come and sweep me off my feet. What a bother.

I'm living in the 20th century and I'm still thinking there's princes roaming around in horse drawn carriages looking for suitors. Instead, they're busy getting their fix at Monte Carlo rubbing shoulders with infinite wealthy business people and celebrities that look like goddesses.

I really am a poor sod.